all postcodes in PO19 / CHICHESTER

find any address or company within the PO19 postcode district

Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO19 8AA 26 0 50.830321 -0.774495
PO19 8AB 1 0 50.830046 -0.779955
PO19 8AD 1 1 50.830949 -0.777759
PO19 8AF 11 0 50.831723 -0.776981
PO19 8AG 24 0 50.83133 -0.778942
PO19 8AH 56 0 50.831387 -0.774908
PO19 8AJ 18 0 50.831584 -0.767149
PO19 8AL 8 0 50.831006 -0.777204
PO19 8AN 16 0 50.83088 -0.772024
PO19 8AP 69 0 50.831719 -0.77142
PO19 8AQ 15 0 50.831733 -0.777923
PO19 8AR 44 0 50.83141 -0.769426
PO19 8AS 17 0 50.830781 -0.767781
PO19 8AT 8 0 50.831725 -0.768636
PO19 8AU 25 0 50.831312 -0.767876
PO19 8AW 22 1 50.831046 -0.77158
PO19 8AX 34 0 50.830117 -0.768792
PO19 8AY 22 0 50.830743 -0.769273
PO19 8AZ 13 0 50.829155 -0.767994
PO19 8BA 8 0 50.82799 -0.768337